
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jessica Alba :Her Second Pregnancy

Jessica Alba and her husband Cash Warren are pregnant with their second child, and according to the actress, this time is a whole lot easier.

"Every moment was so new and kind of terrifying and now I know what to expect," she told Latina magazine. "It's like, 'It's fine, I've been there before.' With Honor, I was constantly like, 'Is she moving? Is her heart beating?' I'd worry about everything and with this baby, I don't have the same anxieties."

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While her anxieties may be at bay, the star of the upcoming "Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World" is definitely having pregnancy cravings.

"Sometimes you can't get a food out of your mind," she told the mag. "I could always eat watermelon. With Honor, I loved fruit, too. It's a decent craving. You still eat cheeseburgers and pickles--you just want watermelon really bad. I don't deprive myself of anything. I eat whatever."

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Jessica also has a much more relaxed approach to working out when it comes to her second pregnancy.

"I'd like to still do something five days a week, from a half hour to an hour--nothing excessive, just some moving [around]. It makes the whole pregnancy so much easier. The more fit you are, the easier the birth is, and a healthier baby you're going to have," the actress said.

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