
Friday, May 07, 2010

Ellin Barkin: Gains $4.3 Million from Ron

Ellin Barkin

Ellen Barkin, the unknown actress who had an almost unrecognizable role as a sullen drug-addict mother in "Chameleon," which recently premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival just won a tidy $4.3 million lawsuit against her Revlon billionaire ex-husband Ron Perelman.
Ellenn Barkin and Ron were only married for five reportedly tumultuous years. In 2006, Perelman conveniently filed for and quickly got a divorce, just days before the prenup would have kicked in, giving Ellen Barkin more alimony. Despite that, Ellen Barkin still got a decent chunk, some $2-3 million a year. And after the divorce, she also sold all the jewelry Ron had given her for an estimated $16-20 million.

But Ron had also signed an agreement to make four capital contributions to her film production company, for a total of $3.4 million.

But when Ellen Barkin talked to the press about not taking legal steps to obtain a "get," which is a Jewish religious divorce, he reneged on the deal, saying she'd not heeded the confidentiality restrictions of the divorce contract.

Well, the Manhattan Supreme court didn't like that and Thursday (May 6) Ron was ordered to pay up with interest, making it $4.3 million to Ellen Barkin -

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