
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Selena Gomez :: Stalker Out of Jail

Selena Gomez's alleged stalker has been released from jail. Thomas Brodnicki - who allegedly told a therapist God had ordered him to kill the 19-year-old star - has had the stalking case against him dismissed by a Los Angeles judge, as there was not enough evidence against him. Los Angeles County District Attorney spokesperson Sandi Gibbons told E! News:
 'After a preliminary hearing the judge over our strong objection ruled that the defendant lacked the intent to cause fear to the victim and dismissed the case. We are evaluating our next step.' However, Brodnicki - who has a criminal history of stalking - does have a temporary restraining order in place, which forbids him to go within 100 yards of Selena.
 A hearing on whether the order should be made permanent will be held on November 23.

 As well as claiming God had told him to kill Selena, he also claimed he had travelled from Chicago to Los Angeles to meet her and 'visited her workplace at least three times'. The Los Angeles Police Department were said to be treating the case 'extremely seriously' because of Brodnicki's history of stalking.

 Watch Selena Gomez Video ::

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